Watch “Windy City International Film Festival WTF Shorts post Q and A 7/19/19” on YouTube
Check out my adventures at Crypticon KC in St. Joseph, Missouri. (I know, BELIEVE me I know.) Celebrities galore and 2 bucket list meets for me, this con is and always will be special to me because of all the friends made and good times that are had. It was also a gift to spend time with my family before and after the conquests of convention weekend began. Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.
If you see me at the movies, I’ll be the Blonde in Front 😉👱♀️🎬📽🎥🤳🎞
Watch my podcast review of Midsommar that puts a whole new meaning to ‘love on the rocks’. It hit theaters July 3rd and bear with me, I say go see It! Skol!
If you see me at the movies, I’ll be the Blonde in Front 😉👱♀️🎬📽🎥🎞🤳